
November 29, 2009 at 2:08 pm (IT and Science)


Netiquette, which is short for Internet etiquette, is the code of acceptable behaviors users should follow while on the internet; that is, it is the conduct expected of the individuals while online. Netiquette, includes rules for all aspects of the internet, including the World Wide Web, e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms, FTP and newsgroup.


1. In e-mail, chat rooms and news groups:

ü      Keep message brief. Use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

ü      Be careful when using sarcasm and humor, as it might be misinterpreted.

ü      Be polite. Avoid offensive language.

ü      Read the message before you send it.

ü      Use meaningful subject lines.

ü      Avoid sending or posting flames, which are abusive or insulting messages. Do not participate in flame war, which are exchanges of flames.

ü      Avoid sending spam, which is the internet’s version of junk mail. Spam is an unsolicited e-mail message or newsgroup posting sent to many recipients or newsgroup at once.

ü      Do not use all capital letters, which is the equivalent of SHOUTING!


2. Read the FAQ (frequently asked questions), if one exists. Many newsgroup and Web Pages have an FAQ.


3. Do not assume material is accurate or up-to-date. Be forgiving of other’s mistake.

4. Never read someone’s private e-mail  of course.


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Anne Mulcahy

November 29, 2009 at 2:07 pm (IT and Science)

Anne Mulcahy

Xerox CEO

Color printing and consulting services are the two areas where the Xerox Corporation can make a difference, according to Anne Mulcahy, the company’s CEO and chairman of the board. She should know the nature of the business, having started her career with the Stamford, Conneticut-based corporation more than 30 years ago as a field sales representative. One of the Anne Mulcahy’s first decisions after landing the top landing in 2001 was eliminating the corporation’s tagline, “The Document Company.” She believes the company’s name, standing solo, speaks for itself in the printing, copying and services world. Her ethical and values based leadership decisions to revamp the company have revolved around Xerox’s roots of innovation and customer care. She is a member of the boards of directors of Target Corporation, Citigroup, and Catalyst, a not-for-profit organization supporting women in business.

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Blogging Tips for Beginners

November 20, 2009 at 2:17 pm (IT and Science)

Blogging Tips for Beginners

Though blogging has become the ‘in thing’ in recent times, there are many people who still consider it a difficult task. Hence, here are some blogging tips for beginners that will make you understand the interesting process of blogging in detail.

Some years before when blogging had started gaining popularity, I was one of the many people who decided to try my hand at it. Though I posted a few articles and poems, I soon lost interest in it. One of the reasons for this was that no one actually visited my blog. The frequency of my own visits turned from everyday to once in a week, gradually leading to none, so much so that I even forgot my username and password. After some time, I again tried to start my blog but never actually succeeded in it. Later, I realized that the reason for these failed endeavors in starting a blog and attracting readership was because I was unaware of so many important things that are needed to make a blog successful. Hence, this is an attempt to help people who are new to the world of blogging to understand its purpose and the important things that have to be done to achieve what they want. Let us look at some blogging tips for beginners.

What is Blogging?

Before we go to the blogging tips for beginners, let us try to understand what exactly is meant by blogging and also about its purposes. A blog is a personalized space on the Internet started by an individual for his own personal or professional needs and is read by other people. Many people start their blog to express their personal thoughts, views, opinions, etc. about different matters by publishing poems, stories, articles, etc. Though blogging was introduced with this purpose, soon they were used for business purposes also. Nowadays, people have even started blogging for money making purposes. As blogging has so many benefits, it is important for you to know certain blogging tips and tricks if you are thinking of creating a blog for yourself.

Best Blogging Tips for Beginners

Have a Purpose: This is one of the most important blogging tips that beginners should know. Most people fail to create a successful blog because they do not have a definite goal (like me) for starting a blog. Hence, once you have decided to start a blog, sit down and decide why you want to start it. The reason can be just to share some ideas and thoughts, to promote your business, sell certain products, etc. Whatever the reason is, once you have decided the purpose, decide on what you want to gain or where you want to see your blog after a few months, a year or so. This is crucial because your next steps will depend on the planning you have done during this stage.

Target Your Audience: The purpose of your blog will decide the type of audience that you are targeting. For instance, if you are setting a blog on dating, your target audience will include teenagers as well as adults. This will also influence the type of design you choose for your blog. If the topic of your blog is about dating and relationships, the design can be something colorful and lively. On the other hand, if your blog is for business purposes, it should have a professional look.

Have Consistency: Though it is good to try new and innovative things in your blog, do not do something that totally changes its image. For instance, if your blog is about traveling, most likely your readers will be those who love traveling. However, if you suddenly use it for promoting some kind of product, it may cause confusion to your readers. Therefore, try your best to maintain the consistency of your blog.

Update Regularly: If you want your readers to visit your blog regularly and gain popularity, one of the very important things is to update your blog regularly. Publish new articles and write ups after every few days to keep your readers interested and informed. However, publishing meaningless posts just for the sake of it should be avoided because this may take the readers away from your blog. It is important to write about things that you know about and avoid publishing articles just because it is something that is being written about in most of the blogs.

Attract Audience: One way to attract readers to your blog is to encourage them to leave comments of what they feel about your blog or about your article. You can also ask them to post questions, give their opinions, etc. on what you have written. This not only leads to two way interaction between you and the reader, but also makes them realize that you really appreciate their participation. This is extremely crucial for you to gain a loyal readership for your blog.

Market your Blog: Just creating a blog, designing it well and publishing quality articles on it will not attract readers to it. You have to take some efforts to actually market your blog for people to visit it. You can do this through social networking sites, like, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. Another way of doing this is by commenting on other like-minded bloggers and linking your blog on it if you have to say something similar.

Blogging for Money Tips

People who want to earn money by blogging have several options to choose from. If you have your own business, you can write about your products and make facilities for people to buy too. Another idea is to select a subject that you like to write about. There are several companies who pay people to write about their products in their blog. For instance, if you are hired by a jewelery brand, you will have to write about the kind of jewelery they make and also publish reviews about them. One more way of making money through blogging is by posting ads on your blog. However, one important thing that you must know is that the ads can only be posted if it is related to your blog topic.

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Advantages of Database Management Systems

November 20, 2009 at 2:15 pm (IT and Science)

Advantages of Database Management Systems

Database Management System (DBMS) aids in storage, control, manipulation and retrieval of data. This article lists the advantages of database management systems.

Advantages of Database Management Systems

Database is a software program, used to store, delete, update and retrieve data. A database can be limited to a single desktop computer or can be stored in large server machines, like the IBM Mainframe. There are various database management systems available in the market. Some of them are Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle RDBMS, PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.

The advantages of the database management systems can be enumerated as under:

Warehouse of Information
The database management systems are warehouses of information, where large amount of data can be stored. The common examples in commercial applications are inventory data, personnel data, etc. It often happens that a common man uses a database management system, without even realizing, that it is being used. The best examples for the same, would be the address book of a cell phone, digital diaries, etc. Both these equipments store data in their internal database.

Defining Attributes
The unique data field in a table is assigned a primary key. The primary key helps in the identification of data. It also checks for duplicates within the same table, thereby reducing data redundancy. There are tables, which have a secondary key in addition to the primary key. The secondary key is also called ‘foreign key’. The secondary key refers to the primary key of another table, thus establishing a relationship between the two tables.

Systematic Storage
The data is stored in the form of tables. The tables consists of rows and columns. The primary and secondary key help to eliminate data redundancy, enabling systematic storage of data.

Changes to Schema
The table schema can be changed and it is not platform dependent. Therefore, the tables in the system can be edited to add new columns and rows without hampering the applications, that depend on that particular database.

No Language Dependence
The database management systems are not language dependent. Therefore, they can be used with various languages and on various platforms.

Table Joins
The data in two or more tables can be integrated into a single table. This enables to reduce the size of the database and also helps in easy retrieval of data.

Multiple Simultaneous Usage
The database can be used simultaneously by a number of users. Various users can retrieve the same data simultaneously. The data in the database can also be modified, based on the privileges assigned to users.

Data Security
Data is the most important asset. Therefore, there is a need for data security. Database management systems help to keep the data secured.

Different privileges can be given to different users. For example, some users can edit the database, but are not allowed to delete the contents of the database.

Abstract View of Data and Easy Retrieval
DBMS enables easy and convenient retrieval of data. A database user can view only the abstract form of data; the complexities of the internal structure of the database are hidden from him. The data fetched is in user friendly format.

Data Consistency
Data consistency ensures a consistent view of data to every user. It includes the accuracy, validity and integrity of related data. The data in the database must satisfy certain consistency constraints, for example, the age of a candidate appearing for an exam should be of number datatype and in the range of 20-25. When the database is updated, these constraints are checked by the database systems.

The commonly used database management system is called relational database management system (RDBMS). The most important advantage of database management systems is the systemetic storage of data, by maintaining the relationship between the data members. The data is stored as tuples in a RDBMS.

The advent of object oriented programming gave rise to the concept of object oriented database management systems. These systems combine properties like inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, abstraction with atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability, also called ACID properties of DBMS.

Database management systems have brought about systematization in data storage, along with data security.

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November 20, 2009 at 2:14 pm (IT and Science)



The internet has its roots in a networking project started by the Pentagon’s Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), an agency of the U.S Departement of Defense. ARPA’s goal was to build a network that (1) allowed scientists at different physical locations to share information and work together on military and scientific projects and (2) could function even if part of the network were disabled or destroyed by a disaster such as a nuclear attack. That network, called ARPANET, became functional in September 1969, lingking scientific and academic researchers across the United States.

The original ARPANET consisted of four main computers, one each located at the University of California at Los Angels, the University of California at Santa Barbara, the Stanford Research Institute, and the University of Utah. Each computer served as a host on the network. A host, more commonly known today as a server, is any computer that provides services and connections to other computer on a network. Hosts often use high-speed communications to transfer data and messages over a network.

As researchers and others realized the great benefit of using ARPANET’s e-mail to share data and information, ARPANET underwent phenomenal growth. By 1984, ARPANET had more than 500 million hosts connect to the Internet.

Some organization connected entire network to ARPANET to take advantage of the high speed communications it offered. In 1986, the National Science Foundation (NSF) connected its huge network of five supercomputer centers, called NSFnet, to ARPANET. This configuration of complex networks and hosts became known as the internet.

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Bill Gates

November 20, 2009 at 2:12 pm (IT and Science)


Bill Gates

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation, suggests that college student should learn how to learn by getting the best education they can. Because he is considered by many as the most powerful person in the computing industry, it might be wise to listen to him.
Gates learned to program computers when he was 13. Early in his career, he developed the BASIC programming language for the MITS Altair, one of the first microcomputers. He founded Microsoft in 1975 with Paul Allen, and five years later, they provided the first operating system, called MS-DOS, for the IBM PC. Today Microsoft’s Windows and Office products dominate the software market.
In July 2008, Gates relinquished his day-to-day role in the company. He continues as chairman and advisor while devoting more time to his philanthropic efforts.

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October 21, 2009 at 3:01 am (All about me, Uncategorized) ()

Aduh pusing…

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October 12, 2009 at 10:15 am (All about me, Uncategorized)

Akhirnya beres jg ngurusin surat-surat

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Tentang Kepergian

October 4, 2009 at 5:03 am (All about me)

Sekarang beliau sudah tidak ada didunia ini. Beliau sudah tenang dalam tidurnya dipelukan Yang Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu. Sebagai yang masih hidup, tugas kami sekarang adalah menyelesaikan apa yang belum diselesaikan oleh beliau. Akan kami lakukan apa yang kami bisa, seperti apa yang kau ajarkan pada kami. Semoga kami yang ditinggalkan mendapatkan kekuatan iman & islam, kesabaran, serta keilkhlasan. Untuk semua yang telah membantu kami meringankan kesedihan kami, kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

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September 28, 2009 at 7:57 am (IT and Science)

apa itu blog?

blog, istilah singkat untuk weblog.Merupakan suatu website yang biasanya dimiliki dan dikelola secara perseorangan. Isi blog umumnya berupa keterangan maupun berita mengenai sesuatu yang diikuti dengan deretan komentar dan tanggapan atas isi blog tsb.

Blog  juga bisa berisi material lain seperti gambar2 atau video.

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